NASSTRAC helps shippers to stay on top of transportation industry issues, challenges, emerging trends and opportunities.

Annual Shippers Conference & Transportation Expo.Through this unique "integrated" format that combines education and carrier networking all under one roof, you'll expand your knowledge via executive insights, interactive discussions, best practices and provider relations.

Regional Meetings. Throughout the year, you'll find invaluable information about emerging trends, the impact advocacy issues will have on shipper supply chains, and build your industry connections.

Webcasts. You'll find a full range of live or archived educational options on freight transportation and supply chain issues.

Whitepapers. Stay updated on critical transportation topics through NASSTRAC's whitepaper series on issues ranging from advocacy issues (such as hours of service, infrastructure, or CSA) to capacity and volatile fuel costs.

FreightTalk Blog. Regularly learn from others in the NASSTRAC community on hot topics and timely issues.

Online News Updates. You'll find NASSTRAC to be a reputable source of news regarding developments impacting the NASSTRAC member community and the industry at large.

NewsLink and E-Link. Members receive paid subscriptions to the bi-monthly member newsletter (in print) as well as a timely member e-newsletter twice each month.

NASSTRAC's Education Committee. helps to develop relevant, meaningful, timely education for shippers and providers alike.