For months now NASSTRAC, like most associations, has reacted to the pandemic. We endeavored to remain connected to our members through our weekly updates, various webinar offerings, and most recently offering a free transportation fundamentals course to our members.
As we move out of the initial phase of this crisis, we are seeing that a new normal is being created throughout the country. A number of our members shared that they were considering allowing more employees to work from home. While having a number of advantages, this decision comes with it’s own challenges such as keeping employees engaged and effectively communicating among the team.
Some of our members shared with me that the weekly updates we held throughout the worst of the lock down enabled them to share with their stay at home teams what’s going on and how our many members were dealing with various issues. Now we need to work even harder to help all of our members keep engaged, not just with NASSTRAC, but with their teams who are now scattered working from home.
I’m reaching out to you today to request your help and suggestions on how NASSTRAC can best help you. There are a variety of options that we can pursue but before we do, I want to make sure that you, our members, see value in them and that we are doing things to help propel you and your team forward.
Among the options to be considered are:
• Reviving the Weekly Transportation Updates featuring NASSTRAC members sharing their stories with us and helping to engage our group in conversation. These 30 minutes group calls have been helpful in sharing ideas and understanding issues that members are facing.
• Making the Transportation Fundamentals course available to all members for viewing/downloading.
• Conduct regular (either quarterly of twice yearly) updates on legislative and regulatory issues affecting transportation and supply chain.
• Launch a new webinar series similar to Breaking Down the Silos and The Perfect Storm. This new series will play off of the previous series moving to the next level of making transportation an integral part of the supply chain insuring the “have a seat at the table” when constructing supply chain and business strategy.
• As soon as it is safe to do so, hopefully in 2021, hold an in person spring meeting for our membership.
• Continued development of a NASSTRAC focused track for virtual EDGE this year and EDGE 2021 in Atlanta.
One final request, if you are interested in being a part of the group who is working to develop these member options, I invite you to contact me directly. There are a variety of ways members can engage at a higher lever within NASSTRAC. You can join the Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) which helps develop strategy and direction for NASSTRAC. Or you can join the Education or Advoacy committees to lend your voice and support for these initiatives.
Please email me at
[email protected] for more information.
Thank you all for your continued support. I look forward to your comments.