When I ask NASSTRAC members when they realized the value of NASSTRAC many were able to recall the exact moment. They quickly recalled the single event when it was clear to them they made the right decision to join us.
For many of our members that exact moment was their first NASSTRAC conference. It was at that conference where they met people like them struggling with similar challenges. They solved some of their problems listening to excellent speakers or by connecting with individuals who have been where they are now. They learned a lot. They met other like-minded professionals. They realized they were not alone.
Often I hear that the annual conference format for any association is outdated. Folks are too busy, millennials don’t value the face to face interaction, etc. While I believe there needs to be continual rejuvenation, I firmly believe that nothing beats face to face networking and interaction with colleagues. And, the best place to do that is at the NASSTRAC annual conference.
Of course, interaction is a two-way street. You can’t attend a conference, any conference, and expect to be successful sitting in your room or keeping to yourself and not interacting with any other attendees. At NASSTRAC we give our attendees a number of ways to connect with colleagues and providers. Here are a few:
The Newcomer Breakfast: If this is your first time at NASSTRAC make sure you attend the newcomer breakfast on Monday morning. Meet members of the NASSTRAC board and other first time attendees prior to the start of the conference. Find a buddy and make a connection.
The Expo Hall: The Transportation Expo provides attendees with the opportunity to meet with current providers and source new ones. We have a wide variety of carriers, 3PL’s and technology providers who are there to meet with you and help answer your questions.
Ask the Expert: New this year, is your opportunity to bring your questions and meet one on one with an industry expert for support and help. A variety of topics (you can suggest one when you register too!) will be covered during the expo hours.
Networking Receptions: After all that education, everyone needs some down time and we provide that too! At our networking receptions you can relax and mingle with other attendees, make connections, and share experiences.
Now, if all that isn’t enough to convince you, NASSTRAC has some of the best educational sessions at their conference than you will find anywhere in our industry. Take a look at our conference schedule at nasstrac.org/conference. While you’re there, click on the “Register” button and join us!