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Do I Really Need to be a Member?

Posted By Gail Rutkowski, Monday, September 11, 2017

I’m sure we’ve all looked at our professional association renewal when we receive it and thought ‘Do I really need to be a member?’ It seems like a lot of money and some of the multi-disciplinary bodies seem to offer similar benefits of membership for the same price or less. I’ve been spending a lot of time recently reaching out and talking to our members who have allowed their membership to lapse. Fortunately, many of them just lost the renewal email in the shuffle and are getting back on board for which I am grateful. During my conversations with them I discovered that many of them want to be more involved but didn’t know how begin.  I was able to help them decide where their talents and interests can best be served within NASSTRAC. I have also made a promise to myself to reach our more frequently to our members and take a “temperature check” on how well we are doing as an association in connecting with our members.


I am passionate about why you should be a member of a professional association, specifically NASSTRAC. I made the decision over twenty years ago to join NASSTRAC and I made another decision three years ago to become Executive Director. Here’s why:


  • I believe shippers need to step up and have their voices heard. In the transportation industry, no man is an island and it is only through working together can we achieve our mutual goals of efficient supply chains and transportation networks. Through NASSTRAC’s Education and Advocacy efforts, we help shippers look beyond their offices and docks to learn about what they can do to improve their operations today.
  •  Additionally, it’s important to not be “surprised” by any regulatory or legislative changes that will impact your operations.  There any many shippers out there who are not aware of the impact HOS has on their operation or how the new ELD requirements will affect how they manage capacity needs moving forward.
  • The friends I’ve made and the network that I have developed through my NASSTRAC membership has afforded me not only with life- long friends, but access to the best and brightest in our industry. To be able to pick up the phone or email another member for help has been my best membership benefit. And now, with the NASSTRAC “View” I can join the conversation with my fellow shipper members every month.
  • Finally, NASSTRAC has been working on some significant initiatives to help drive our association forward.  Please stay tuned for further announcements as NASSTRAC, in conjunction with DC Velocity, Auburn University, CSCMP and Supply Chain Quarterly is launching the first part of an extensive research project titled:  Logistics 2030:  Navigating a Disruptive Decade.  Stay tuned too as we roll out exciting new changes in our upcoming 2018 Shippers conference and Expo.


Well I’ve told you why I’m passionate about why you should be a member of a professional association and hope that I expressed the importance of an association like NASSTRAC can have in developing your career and your operation. Now I want to hear from our members: Be proud to be a NASSTRAC member, shout it from the rooftops and educate others about us. What do you value about your NASSTRAC membership?  Let us hear from you today!

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